Daniel Powell

Games Programmer

Super Duper Man

August 2021 I started a placement as a games programmer at Canalside Studios which takes 8 new students for their placement year. Our team comprised of 2 programmers including myself and 5 artists and one designer. At the start of this year we undertook a 2 week game jamĀ in order to get to know each other and learn about every ones strengths and weaknesses to influence on what game we would work on during our time there.

The game itself was a 2.5D side scrolling platformer with some puzzle elements.

I mainly filled in a support role during this project and found it much better to help me expand on my knowledge of Unreal Engine 4 and set myself up for working within the team throughout the following year.

Itch.io – https://sircam0.itch.io/super-duper-man

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